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Follow along as you work to build a variety of sites-all using WordPress. While this book isn't designed for beginners, those with even an intermediate knowledge of WordPress will be able to get these sites up and running in no time. Also, since each chapter is devoted to the design of a different site, there's no need to read the book in any particular order. Instead, you can pick and choose the blueprints that are of the most interest to you and dive right in. - wp pro real estate 6 wordpress theme free download The second edition of this book is even more comprehensive than the first and covers topics that most of the WordPress books out there just don’t touch. That’s because this book was written with designers and developers in mind. It skips the basics and jumps right into the good stuff with the latest information you need to build WordPress sites for a living. It covers HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript plus more complicated subjects like multisites, theme extensions, custom taxonomies, custom post types, and more.
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